Kawasan Baru Lingang, Cina (Shanghai) Zona Perdagangan Bebas Percontohan

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Pelat Baja Pelapukan A588 CORTEN

A588 Corten weathering steel plate is another type of high-strength, low-alloy structural steel with improved atmospheric corrosion resistance. It is often referred to as “weathering steel” and is widely used in outdoor applications due to its ability to form a protective rust layer, similar to ASTM A242.

Massa: +8615713855753

E-mail: tina@keweicorten.com

Alamat Kawasan Baru Lingang, Tiongkok (Shanghai) Zona Perdagangan Bebas Percontohan Lantai 2, No. 979, Jalan Yunhan

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Features of A588 CORTEN Weathering Steel Plate :

  1. Enhanced Corrosion Resistance: Like A242, A588 forms a protective oxide layer when exposed to weather, which minimizes further corrosion.
  2. High Strength: Provides excellent structural strength and can withstand harsh environmental conditions.
  3. Weldability: A588 steel can be welded easily, making it suitable for various structural projects.
  4. Daya tahan: Withstands extreme temperatures, making it ideal for outdoor use and long-lasting installations.


A588 steel typically contains small amounts of copper, chromium, nickel, and phosphorus, which contribute to its weathering characteristics.

There are several benefits associated with A588 Corten steel plate that allow it to be used for industrial applications throughout the world. A588 weathering steel plate benefits include:

  • Low maintenance
  • Cost savings
  • Speed of construction
  • Safe
  • Environmentally friendly
  • Aesthetically appealing

The A588 CORTEN Weathering Steel Plate specification is intended primarily for use in unpainted applications, where savings in weight or added durability is important along with the longer life cycle due to its corrosion resistant properties and/or to achieve an aesthetically pleasing appearance.

Corten Steel Corten Steel Plate Weathering Steel - vrogue.co
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