Kawasan Baru Lingang, Cina (Shanghai) Zona Perdagangan Bebas Percontohan

Pelat baja corten Q235NH


  • Ketebalan: Typically ranges from 1.5mm to 50mm, depending on the application.
  • Lebar: From 600mm to 2500mm.
  • Panjang: Typically available in lengths up to 12000mm, but can be customized.
  • Standar: Conforms to Chinese standards GB/T4171 for weathering steel.
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Characteristics of Q235NH Corten Steel Plate:

  1. Weathering Resistance:

    • Q235NH forms a stable rust layer on its surface after being exposed to the weather. This layer effectively protects the steel from further corrosion, making it ideal for outdoor use without the need for frequent maintenance or painting.
  2. High Strength:

    • The plate has a good combination of strength and ductility, making it suitable for various load-bearing structures. It maintains excellent mechanical properties even in harsh weather conditions.
  3. Self-Protective Patina:

    • When exposed to air, the steel develops a patina or protective rust layer. Unlike ordinary steel, this patina acts as a barrier, preventing deeper corrosion. The more the steel is exposed to the elements, the stronger the protective layer becomes.
  4. Cost-Effective:

    • Q235NH offers a long service life with minimal maintenance, reducing the overall cost of ownership. It doesn’t require additional protective coatings, which also cuts down on maintenance costs compared to regular steel.
  5. Good Weldability and Formability:

    • This grade of steel can be easily welded, cut, and shaped, which makes it versatile in manufacturing processes and suitable for a wide range of applications.
corten steel plateq235

Advantages of Q235NH Corten Steel Plate:

  • Perawatan Rendah: Requires little to no maintenance as the protective rust layer naturally forms over time.
  • Long Lifespan: Resistant to atmospheric corrosion, particularly in harsh environments.
  • Daya Tarik Estetika: Provides a distinctive appearance for architectural and decorative uses.
pelat baja corten


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