Kawasan Baru Lingang, Cina (Shanghai) Zona Perdagangan Bebas Percontohan

Kategori Produk

tepi taman baja corten

Choose the edge of the Corten steel garden to enjoy high quality and stylish design, creating a unique outdoor space that enhances the overall beauty and functionality of the garden.

Massa: +8615713855753

E-mail: tina@keweicorten.com

Alamat Kawasan Baru Lingang, Tiongkok (Shanghai) Zona Perdagangan Bebas Percontohan Lantai 2, No. 979, Jalan Yunhan

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Application of corten steel garden edging

Weathering steel baffle is a material used in the field of civil engineering and construction, with excellent corrosion resistance and strength, widely used in the following aspects:

  • Earth DAMS and retaining walls
  • Road and railway works
  • Water conservancy project
  • Foundation pit support
  • Landscape engineering
  • Protective facility

Corten steel garden edging is a structural plate made of weathering steel (such as Corten steel), which is mainly used for retaining, supporting or protecting soil in various engineering projects. Weathering steel has excellent corrosion resistance and good mechanical strength.

lembaran baja corten
painted or rust

Characteristics of corten steel garden edging

Corrosion resistance: A layer of oxide film formed on the surface of weathering steel can effectively resist the erosion of rain and pollutants, so that it can maintain good performance in wet and harsh environments.

High strength: Weathering steel has high tensile strength and compressive strength, and can withstand greater soil pressure.

Simple maintenance: Due to its excellent weather resistance, the weathering steel baffle requires low maintenance costs during use.

Aesthetics: The rust texture naturally formed on the surface of weathering steel can add beauty, suitable for landscape and urban architecture.

Rusty Corten Steel Introduction

Baja Corten will keep the original black surface when first purchased.Several months later, will appear blotchy before get a nice even coating of colour. This is caused by the differences in soil, air conditions and your different places.

Finally, you will have the pretty Rusty colour like the right pic shows. Also, we have the Rusty processing directly without any time waste.

corten STEEL edging