Lingang New Area, China (Shanghai) Zona pilot de comerț liber

Oțel Corten A588GRA

Produce name
Placă de oțel rezistentă la intemperii
Cold rolled
Rust-treatment,Clean,blasting or according to customer requirement.
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The key features of weathering steel plates:

  • Corrosion Resistance: Weathering steel forms a stable rust-like appearance when exposed to the elements, which acts as a protective layer to prevent deeper corrosion. This oxide layer continues to develop over time, providing ongoing protection from the environment.
  • High Strength: Weathering steel has a higher yield strength compared to standard structural steels, making it suitable for demanding structural applications and allowing for lighter and stronger designs.
  • Low Alloy Content: It contains specific alloying elements such as copper, chromium, and nickel, which enhance its weather resistance and overall durability.
  • Apelul estetic
  • Maintenance-Free: One of the biggest advantages of weathering steel Corten Steel A588GRA is its low maintenance requirement. Once the protective patina has formed, there is generally little need for treatments, coatings, or repainting.
  • Environmental Resistance: Weathering steel is particularly suited for outdoor structures, as it can withstand various atmospheric conditions, including rain, snow, and extreme temperatures.
  • Weldability: Weathering steels Corten Steel A588GRA can be welded the same way as other structural steels, though specific considerations must be taken into account regarding the welding process to maintain the material’s properties.
  • Longevity: Weathering steel Corten Steel A588GRA has a long lifespan, making it a cost-effective choice over time for structures subject to harsh weather conditions.
  • Formability: It can be easily formed into various shapes and structures, making it versatile for architectural and structural applications.
  • Sustainability: Due to its durability and low maintenance, weathering steel contributes to sustainable construction practices, reducing the need for resources spent on coatings and frequent replacements.
corten steel sheets
Numele produsului
Placă de oțel rezistentă la intemperii
2-100mm sau poate fi personalizat
 Q235NH Q355NH Q355GNH Q295NH Q295GNH Q460NH S235J0WP S235J2WP S235J2W A588grA CortenA CortenB Q345NH Q295NH Q295GNH Q355GNHL 09CuPCrNi-A SPA-H Corten A CortenB Cu-P
30%T/T + 70% balance
Oțelul rezistent la intemperii este utilizat în principal în calea ferată, vehicul, pod, turn, fotovoltaic, inginerie de mare viteză și alte pe termen lung
expunerea la atmosferă a utilizării structurilor metalice. De asemenea, poate fi utilizat în fabricarea containerelor, a căilor ferate
vehicule, derricks petroliere, clădiri portuare, platforme petroliere și containere de medii corozive care conțin sulf în industria chimică și
echipamente petroliere. În plus, datorită aspectului unic al oțelului rezistent la intemperii, acesta este, de asemenea, adesea utilizat în arta publică, în aer liber
sculptura și decorarea pereților exteriori ai clădirii.
Ambalare pentru export
Hârtie impermeabilă și bandă de oțel ambalată.
Standard Export Seaworthy Package.Suit pentru toate tipurile de transport, sau după cum este necesar
Negru, acoperire, acoperire color, lac anti-rugină, ulei anti-rugină, grilă, etc

Weather resistant steel plate application

1、Weather resistant landscape

2、Perete cortină rezistent la intemperii
3、Weather sculpture
4、Weather-resistant flower pot
5、Weather-resistant building
6、Weatherproof screen

Product packaging

Placă de oțel corten
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